Sunday, May 26, 2013

If nothing changes...

Change is

The more things change the more they stay the same

Entering our seventh season it is getting hard to maintain the air of excitement and the feeling that new things and unexpected challenges are always present. At some point between our first season and the present things become a routine. And while we marvel at all those daily functions that used to take hours and now only minutes there is some sadness. Yes, we are very efficient and yes it takes only 10 minutes to close and set up for the next day, but the satisfaction is sullied by a sense of loss.
Let's take breakfast. We used to spend time on lengthily discussion regarding our guests breakfast habites, the quantities of different food items, adding new offering and watching how they

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The seventh- year itch

Entering our seventh season there is a lingering feeling in the air that we are ready for the next move.